Filed In: Beauty

Nighttime Skincare Routine

Happy Friday!! It’s been a hot minute since I shared a beauty post with you.  I tried out lots of new products the second half of the year, so get ready for a few more beauty posts over the next …

4 Skincare Products Worth Trying Out

Hello Hello!  It’s been a hot minute since I did a beauty post, but I have a good reason. Remember that Whole 30 thing I did during March?  I wanted to see the true impact it had on my skin, …

Tips for Taming Frizz & Surviving Humidity

Happy Monday friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  I did a little spring cleaning and enjoyed some time outside in our beautiful spring weather.  It was a very relaxing and rejuvenating weekend.  I feel so ready to …

Gel Eyeliner Pots: Favorites Review

Many have that one makeup item that they always have to put on to feel put together.  Mine is eyeliner.  A few years ago, I was introduced to gel eyeliner pots.  I fell in love and never looked back. I’m reviewing my favorite 3 for you with both pros and cons to each.