30 Days Later | My Whole30 Review

30 Days Later: My Whole30 Review by Houston blogger

No Sugar, No Dairy, No Wine, No Beans, No Bread for 30 Days.  Sounds scary at first, but 30 days later, I realized it wasn’t so bad.  Last week, I completed my first ever Whole30 and wanted to share my results and thoughts on the whole thing.  This is a long post, so grab your coffee for this one.


The biggest physical change was that I lost 5 pounds during the past 30 days.  I noticed my waist and arms are smaller, and my jeans are fitting a little bit better.  I did experience bloating from about day 7-10, and after that was when I started noticing small body changes.  One thing I noticed after about a week was that high cellulite areas (aka back of the legs) was noticeably improved!  I felt like I would randomly notice little changes too.  Like I went to put my hand on my hip, and my little love handle was gone.

My skin has been all over the place.  In the beginning, I started getting small breakouts which went away after a few days.  I was then left with glowing skin for about a week, followed by more breakouts and a little bit of red splotchiness.   I haven’t made any changes to my skincare routine, and I did notice fine lines seemed to improve a bit during the month.    Other than that one week, I would say my skin wasn’t greatly improved by the end of the month.


Ya’ll my sweet tooth dessert cravings really did go away.  I haven’t had a craving for a sugary dessert since I ended the program.  I mean I have girl scout cookies in my cupboard and have yet to desire one.  This is HUGE for me, as reducing sugar cravings was a main goal for me.

Overall, I really feel my desire to snack all day has diminished.  In the beginning, I would see food and want to eat it.  I don’t have that as much or feel like I’m forcing myself to stay away from the yummy chips.  My eyes see them, and my mind isn’t instantly going to I have to have that now mode.  Over the weekend, we received free popcorn at our movie.  Normally I probably would have finished the bag just because it was there.  I ate a couple bites to try it, but never touched it again.  I think it’s a combination of not craving junk type food as much and learning to listen to what my body/mind needs vs wants.

The first half left me tired and often feeling off and unable to focus on what I should be doing.  By the end, I was finishing to do lists and then some.  My Fitbit tracks sleep and tells you how restless you are during the night based on your arm movement.  I noticed throughout the program that I became less restless in the middle of the night.  I slept more in the beginning often snoozing until I had to get up.  Currently though, I am waking up with or just before my alarm goes off and ready to hit the gym.

I have more energy throughout the day especially at night.  I can be kind of lazy at night after work, so I make daily to do lists that help ensure I do some productive things each night.  Last week, I had a day where I did the full list and was like what else can I do.  Prior to the program, not the case at all.  The list was more like a hope to do list with usually only a couple things actually getting done.  I also have more focus and concentration.  Although, I think some of this comes from having the energy to tackle so many to do list items.  I’m not thinking about the 101 things I need to do, and I can really tune into the task at hand.


After your 30 days end, they advise that you don’t go on an all day eat all the things bender, but rather slowly re-introduce off plan foods and see how your body responds..  They give 2 suggestions a fast and slow reintroduction period.  I chose to do slow because I felt it worked more with my plan to continue eating close to whole30 without being as strict.  I will be gradually trying off plan foods as the opportunity arises verse creating the opportunity in the fast pace plan.

My personal opinion is that Whole30 is not something you do for a month and then go right back to your old eating habits.  The program should help you change your eating habits into healthier ones that teach you what your body needs verse wants.


No surprise here, I already had a glass of wine.  The first night I could I enjoyed a chilled glass of Chardonnay, the next morning I felt like I drank an entire bottle.  A friend warned me that the first glass was brutal and to enjoy it at home because it hits you quick.  I have had wine since then and no bad post-day headaches.

Meal planning and not having to think each night what am I going to eat (which would often lead to dinners of girl scout cookies and wine) was a game changer for me.  I plan to continue meal planning most of my meals and prepping as much as I can on weekends.  It’s really nice to come home from a long work day, look at my menu, and now exactly what healthy dinner option I have to eat.

My food reintroduction is to add in foods as they happen but not too many at one time.  I’m trying to only add in one item per meal at most two.  Saturday at the movies, I had turkey sliders which was bread and cheese.  After I reintro a new food, I try and determine if I had any side effects like being tired, bloated, upset stomach.  I plan on doing this gradually over the next couple weeks.

I haven’t had a big sugar craving yet, but I also told myself I didn’t want to eat any sugary desserts for my first post whole 30 week.  When you have been eating with such restriction, it’s kind of scary to realize you can now eat whatever you want.  You feel great and have all this energy and you fear one bite of something bad and it all goes away.  Since sugar is my biggest vice, I want to get comfortable with adding in other foods and finding a new food rhythm first.

My first sugary sweet will probably come Easter Sunday, because I can never say no to one of my Grandma’s desserts.  I’m hoping to keep desserts as something reserved for special occasions and extra special treats vs a daily treat.  One thing they talk about in the book is savoring and enjoying these special occasion foods you don’t plan to eat often.  You can enjoy the moment, the taste, the experience, and hopefully this will help you not eat all of the sweet desserts on the table and not re-awaken my “sugar dragon” and sugar cravings.


1 | SUGAR IS IN EVERYTHING! – When you start reading labels, you start to see that some form of sugar is in so many things!  I ended up having to make my own broth, because I had a hard time finding one without sugar.  All I could think was why does vegetable broth need sugar!?!?  Same thing for bacon, I only found ONE that did not have added sugar.

2 |  BREAKFAST REALLY IS AN IMPORTANT MEAL – Ya’ll know I’m not a breakfast person, and I still don’t wake up hungry. BUT eating breakfast first thing in the morning did keep me full until lunch.   I personally feel eating breakfast early helped kick my all day grazing habit by keeping my full and satisfied until lunch.  One of the books I read talked about how breakfast can also keep you from overindulging at night, something I was 100% guilty of pre-whole30, and something I never even have cravings to do anymore.

3 |  YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT COUNTING CALORIES  – While I didn’t set out to specifically lose weight, I wasn’t going to complain if I did either.  I’ve been at the same weight for close to a year.  The only way I found to drop weight was to count calories and stay in my “goal range” which I hate doing.  On Whole30,  I never counted calories or worried if I was eating too much.  I just ate until I felt satisfied.  Some meals seemed huge to me, and I still lost weight.

4 |  EATING OUT IS HARD – I only ate out once on my Whole30, and I only had a fruit cup.  Nothing on the menu was part of the program.  I asked if I could just order a side salad with just some veggies only (this wasn’t on the menu), and I was told I could only order the menu salad which was lettuce covered in all non-whole30 things, so basically I could eat just some really expensive lettuce.  To stay on program, you have to ask so many questions about how things are cooked.  I found it easier to stay home where I could control everything.

5 |  YOU CAN DO IT! – Some days suck, some days you just want a bag of chips or cupcake or glass of wine, some days it feels like you have FOREVER left.  Other days you realize you aren’t craving things anymore, your jeans fit better, and for the first time in a LONG time you completed your super long weekend to do list.  Then day 31 happens and you realize you did it.

My bestie asked me yesterday, if I would do it again.  Take me back to February when I had never done this before, I would 110% do this again.  The changes I have noticed make it worth it and make me want to continue eating healthy majority of the time.  BUT I don’t know if now that I have completed it, I would do a full Whole30 again.  I very strategically planned a time when restricted eating would work with my schedule, but I did miss out on things like the rodeo and a few happy hours because I didn’t want to be around the temptations.  I do see myself doing mini programs though, like 7-14 days of on-plan eating after the holidays and vacations or when I find myself craving all the sweet things again.

At the beginning of 2016, I started on a quest to eat more vegetables and less processed food.  I struggled to find a way to eat that still allowed me to enjoy comfort and sentimental foods on occasion, feel satisfied and not hungry all the time, and feel healthy.  Whole30 helped find a way to eat that allows me to incorporate healthy real food into my diet, feel satisfied and love the healthy foods I am eating, but still indulge in the comfort foods that feed the soul so to speak from time to time.  I’m really happy I put my pre-conceived opinions aside, learned more and tried out this program, because it really did change the way I eat and feel towards food.

Thanks for sticking with me throughout this LONG post!  If you have any questions about anything I didn’t mention, feel free to shoot me an email!  You can also read my first 2 posts about the program here:
And So It Begins: Whole 30 Day 1
Whole 30 Halfway Mark: What I’ve Been Eating and Feeling


My personal experience on the Whole30 program and look at what I thought about the program and my results.

And So It Begins: Whole30 Day 1

Lady in Violet, a Houston based blogger shares what is whole30 and why she is trying out this program to improve her overall health.

I’m sharing something a little different on the blog today and taking a step out of my fashion comfort zone.  I have a strong passion for living a healthy lifestyle, and I really wanted to share this exciting new journey I am starting today!  PLUS if you make it to the end there is a giveaway to Nordstrom!

About a month ago, I made a decision that I wanted to try the Whole30 program.  I have heard about Whole30 for years, but I always wrote it off because I am not a big diets person.  Early last year, I started on a journey to eat more of a plant based and less processed diet.  I added more veggies to my plate, ate a little less meat and dairy, and found a new love for vegan recipes.  At the beginning of this year, I really wanted to learn more about nutrition and how what we eat affects our health.

The Whole30 program was recommended to me by a very passionate nutrition and fitness person.  I decided to look into the program. I checked out the It Starts with Food book from my local library and read reviews from a few bloggers.  I realized I had blown off this program without really giving it a good look.  I mean I had good reason.  I have spent years trying many fad diets that never lasted.  This time was a little different though because I wasn’t trying to lose weight just live a healthier life.  I started reading the book, and the more I learned the more I wanted to try the program out.

A look at a few of the foods you can eat on the Whole30 program.


When I started telling people I was going to do a Whole30, I received the same response from almost everyone.  “But your don’t need to lose weight” or “Oh you should try this diet instead”.  My response was typically the same that I wasn’t trying to lose weight, and I didn’t feel that Whole30 is about losing weight but more like doing a detox of your system.  Resetting how your body responds and uses the food your provide it, making it work more efficiently and be healthier.

And yes many people report losing a few pounds, and I will say while weight loss is not my goal, I am not going to complain about losing those pesky last 5 pounds that never goes away.


Sugar, Sugar, Sugar!  Yes I will admit I have a sugar addiction.  I have spent the past 6ish months trying to reduce my sugar intake, but it’s a beast!  This program cuts out ALL ADDED SUGARS for 30 days.  Slaying my “sugar dragon” is a big reason I want to try out this program.

While reading the book, they talk about how your body functions on the food you eat and effects your energy levels and cravings through out the day.  I am guilty of low energy days where I feel tired most of the time, so I would like to see if I can improve my energy with this program.  I’m also curious to see if those 3pm “if I don’t eat this snack right now I might die” cravings really do go away.


I have read the first week is the worst as your body readjusts to no sugar and heals the damage caused by unhealthy foods.  I’m nervous about getting headaches, because truth I have found a sweet treat helps get rid of many of my headaches which probably says a lot about my sugar addiction.

I currently don’t eat meat very often maybe a few times a week.  On this program, they recommend animal protein with every meal to stay satisfied throughout the day.  I have a feeling I’m going to be really tired of meat by the end of these 30 days.  I’m planning on mostly eating fish, eggs, and chicken.

Also, no wine for 30 long days.  That’s right no alcohol is allowed during the program.  I love my end of work glass of wine and social settings will be different.  On this program, the recommendation is 3 main meals a day with little to no grazing, and well I’m a grazer.   I’m not a big breakfast person, usually a piece of fruit and coffee and I’m good.  The change to eating bigger meals will be a small adjustment for me.


I already meal prep my lunch for the week, so I don’t really see this being a big issue for me.  I know many talked about all the dishes and extra work of meal prepping and cooking everything from scratch, but I feel like I already do some of this, so no biggie for me.  I love eating my veggies and fruit, so this part of the program I am ready for!   Another area I read about people struggling with is drinking black coffee, I started doing this years ago and now prefer black coffee in the morning to a sugary sweet coffee concoction.

I decided a few weeks ago to do this program, and started to incorporate a few small changes early on, so I hope that will help me out a little bit in the beginning.  I chose today as my start date, because my March calendar was pretty empty.  It’s rodeo season in Houston, so everyone is at the rodeo instead of dinners and happy hours.  I did decide to skip rodeo this year to avoid all the temptation of wine, fried, and sweet foods.  Also, it’s lent, so when you tell someone you are not eating sugar or drinking I won’t receive crazy looks or millions of questions.

I loved reading about others experiences with program, and I decided it would be fun to share my experience too.  Plus, nothing holds you more accountable to sticking it through than writing a blog post for all to see.  I’m going to share a midway post and a final recap post about my experience, so stay tuned to learn about my Whole30 experience and what changes I noticed in everything from energy, sleep, cravings, and yes I’ll share any weight loss details with you too.  If you want to hear about anything specific, leave me a comment and I will try to include it one of the posts.

 I know this post was super long, but Bonus for making it to the end – A GIVEAWAY!  Check back in 2 weeks for my halfway Whole30 update!


Best Outfits of 2016

Best Outfits of 2016 from Houston Fashion Blogger Lady in Violet

This post is one of my favorite ones to put together every year!!  I love looking back at all the outfits I created throughout the year.  Many of the posts remind of me of certain events or just different parts of the year, so it’s fun to reminisce a little.  It also makes me really proud to see all of the beautiful content that I have put my time, love, and energy into creating.  It’s crazy to think all of this started as a small crazy little dream of mine to share my love of styling, and here we are at over 2 years and counting.

I love looking through my behind the scenes numbers to see which outfit posts you guys loved and viewed the most too.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate that each one of you takes time every week to stop by, visit and check out my latest outfit or shopping tips.  My little blog grows everyday into a space I could never have dreamed of, and I owe so much of that to all of you for making me apart of your weekly routine.  I love creating these posts, and I am so excited to continue sharing more style inspiration with you in 2017!

I hope you enjoy this look back at my Top Ten Best Outfits of 2016!


Fashion Blogger LadyinViolet wears a fall outfit idea with a teal sweater and brown riding boots.

view original post here


spring outfit inspiration - white denim with fringe sandals, LOVE!view original post here


LadyinViolet shares what to wear with a brown leather jacket,view original post here


weekend outfit idea with distressed denim by Lady in Violetview original post here


easter outfit ideaview original post here


fall street style outfit ideas jeans and bootiesview original post here


houston bloggers share what to wear to a blog conferenceview original post here


Houston Rodeo outfit with otk boots | Lady in Violetview original post here


casual dress for fall with taupe bootiesview original post here


spring weekend outfit - cardigan and distressed denimview original post here

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!  I will be celebrating with family all weekend, and I cannot wait!  Next week, I have a little bit more end of year outfit inspiration for you. Maybe give you some ideas on how to spend those Christmas gift cards. 😉  See you then friends!

XO – Karen

12 Fall Dresses under $100!

 Houston Fashion Blogger shares 12 fall dresses under 100 dollars.

one  |  two  | three  | four
five  |  six  | seven  | eight
nine  |  ten  |  eleven | twelve

I feel like we are all counting down the days until we can start wearing our chunky knits and big scarves.  They are cozy, comfy, and fabulous!  Right now the warm with a cool breeze weather is just right for a cute fall dress.  I have found so many cute fall dresses under 100 this season for both work and casual weekends.

Picture some of the above with your cute new booties or riding boots, paired with a denim jacket or utility vest, or killer pair of heels or flats and chunky jewelry. These 12 were my favorite picks because ONE they can all be styled different ways throughout the season, and TWO I thought it was a great selection of both office and weekend options.  My favorite is probably twelve.  I picture it with a denim jacket and cowboy boots perfect for a state fair or rodeo.  Although two is close second as the perfect dress to go from work to happy hour.

I own dress three (last seen here).  It’s super comfy and has pockets! WIN!  I also have the maroon version of dress four.  This dress works year round for me! I have styled it previously here and here.  So, which one is your favorite??