Happy July! We are officially in the heart of summer! July is a fun month for me. It starts with a vacation, a fun family day for my Mom’s birthday in the middle, and ends with my favorite sale of the year – The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Have ya’ll checked out the catalog preview yet?!!? Mine came in the mail this week, and I’m so excited!
I’m kicking off the month with a look back at your June favorites. It looks like ya’ll are loving all the things for summer from floral dresses to versatile tops to the it bag of summer. Lady in Violet and I will be taking a little mini vacation for the remainder of the week. I’m sharing more about it and a little heart talk at the end of today’s post. I will be enjoying my first trip to Colorado this week with a group of friends. I’m really excited to explore somewhere new!
Keep scrolling to see if your favorite made the list this month!
A reminder on how I figure out which items ya’ll loved –
I use an affiliate program called Rewardstyle. If you click on a link from my blog or social media that takes you to a product page on a retailer’s site, Rewardstyle is able to track that your visit to that site originated from me. The Rewardstyle affiliate program pays me a commission per purchase made. Basically, if you click on one of my links and end up making a purchase, I earn a small commission.
Because I use this service I also have access to certain data analytics. This means I can see and keep track of which items are clicked on and which lead to a purchase. I do not see who clicked on the link or what items might have been purchased. For example, if you click on my latest pair of heels and then purchase a new red lipstick too, I will only be able to see that a purchase was made and that the heels link is how you arrived to the retailer’s site. It’s kind of similar to how a salesperson may earn commission in the store.
I’m a numbers gal, so I love diving into all the data every month. These analytics allow me to keep track of what ya’ll loved and didn’t so much love. If I see one item is clicked on and/or purchased more, I might consider sharing a restyle over on Instagram. These commissions are an easy way for you to support my blog without having to do anything extra and a way for me to cover the variety of expenses that come with running a blog. So if you have ever made a purchase through one of my links know that I am so grateful for you and your support of my blog.
Now on to your June favorites!
-A Little Heart Talk-
As I sat down this weekend to prepare all of my content for the week, I started feeling stuck. Unable to focus on the work at hand, and I honestly could not figure out what was blocking me. With my upcoming trip, I had planned out what my content would be and had everything ready, I just needed to put it together. This feeling of being stuck and off of my normal game isn’t new, I have felt it before. It’s that feeling you get when you are on the brink of something wonderful and fabulous. That moment when you almost subconsciously start self-sabotaging your future growth and success. That inner fear of leaving your comfort zone, and stepping out into something new. I think it happens to many of us, we just don’t quite realize what it is. Whenever I start feeling like I’m blocking my growth and trying to hold myself back, I think of one of my favorite quotes.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson
So as I sat staring at my computer this weekend, I realized I needed a vacation from more than just my full time job, but this fun little part time one too. The blog has been doing so well lately. The new lifestyle direction has left me filled with excitement and an overflowing list of post ideas to share with you, but my focus to put it all together was missing. So I decided to have a real vacation, enjoy the moment, stay present with my friends, and not worry about posting to the blog or Instagram. I love that this blog allows me to share my light. But every now and again, you need to take a break and recharge your light a little. So for the rest of the week, that is what I’m planning to do. Recharge and restore. I will be back with blog posts on Monday, and I plan to post to Instagram if it feels right in the moment and to let go of the pressure to need to post everyday.
And if you ever feel a sense of overwhelm or fear by the great things that are building in and around you, know that it is okay to take a day off to recharge your light too. I hope ya’ll have a fabulous 4th of July, and I look forward to seeing you guys back here next Monday!